Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Interpretation: LED industry marketing strategy 1.0 to 3.0 of the times

Marketing is the key post of director positions lighting companies, recently, in huahongbing upcoming lecture, marketing elite hundred vote pilgrimage, hot words, marketing director of the industry has reached an unprecedented heat, lighting marketing in the industry are numerous concern and discussion, then,led stripmarketing is how to develop and achieve the status of everybody's mind now it? with this issue, the reporter interviewed a senior member of China Illuminating Engineering Society, lighting, electrical branch in Guangdong Province Chamber of Commerce vice president of Hubei , according to the Shanghai United investment Co., Ltd. CEO, Ningbo Seoul, according to league general manager rich lighting industry Chen Jun, senior marketing people. 

Chinese lighting industry from a product, price, place and promotion based marketing 1.0 era, into the target market, product differentiation, brand positioning and dissemination based marketing 2.0 era, and then entered a "customized products, user-friendly design, interactive communication and personalized to meet the "based marketing 3.0 era, only a short ten years time, have to say is an all LED lighting people to be proud of. 

Before the era of product marketing is king 

Before the eighties of last century, China market simply do not care marketing, marketing era really enter the Chinese market should start from the eighties and nineties, and began marketing the lighting industry anew, a decade later, from 2000 onwards, and was officially opened by the industry's attention, and therefore, can only say that before this century is the era of LED lighting in the front can also be called a product of the times. 

Before the start of the lighting industry for several decades, the market economy in China was established shortly after their status, resources are lacking, so they have to worry about sales after product produced, LED lighting industry, especially the lights are lighting industry is no exception . At that time, the name of the lighting is not clear, many places still called lamps, but the concept of product design prototype has already occurred. Due to product demand, the lighting industry has also received a golden period of development. 

Later, though with the influx of a large number of producers,led strips industry's production capacity has been greatly improved, industrial scale has been expanded, but relative to the huge Chinese market and the gradual opening of the world market, there is still a shortage of the status quo . Meanwhile, due to the continuous application of new materials, new technologies, new design, lighting products emerging new changes, the pursuit of fashion has attracted a large number of consumers, so that sales results LED lighting industry is very gratifying. 

Marketing 1.0 era 4P highlights 

The last century to the beginning of this century, due to the further expansion of production, LED lighting industry began to emerge dominant demand saturation phenomenon, some foresight of the companies began marketing efforts will pay attention to it, but then just a marketing product, price, place and promotion of basic applications, can be called the era of marketing 1.0. 

Lighting Marketing 1.0 era, companies are still not relaxed the importance of the product, product design and product quality are demanding. Also, due to the influx of competitors and new technologies, the continuous application of new machinery, upgrading the lighting industry manufacturing strength, saturation phenomenon, businesses began to focus on cost-effective products, and starting to focus on channel development and marketing. 

That era, attention to lighting Sanli channel construction began to build stores in the country, improve the business channel network in the national market have gained a great success. Encouraged, LED lighting industry, many companies have started to follow suit, dealers unprecedented attention, lighting the logistics industry has been developing rapidly, consumers can more easily and quickly get the desired lighting products, sales of LED lighting companies have been significantly upgrade, the entire Chinese LED lighting industry has also been a rapid development. 

Marketing 2.0 times difference in presentation 

With the development of LED lighting industry, marketing thinking has been widely accepted, lighting entrepreneurs, professional managers to have a more thorough understanding of marketing, the lighting industry into the target market, product differentiation, brand positioning and dissemination based marketing 2.0 era. 

In Marketing 2.0 era, consumer demand further attention, whether rich enterprise products, the quality is good, the price is reasonable and other enterprises attach importance to gradually gather opinions and targeted for improvement in order to conduct a meet. In addition, to understand China's specific market lighting companies began to open as a core target market, differentiated positioning has started to become a major business strategy, mode of transmission in the industry have begun to shift from popular, NVC, Op, three male well-known brands such as LED lighting industry began rapid development. 

That era, Op hosted in Guangzhou, "the same song, into Canton" campaign, Huaqiang This Pradesh, NVC, three male walked into the CCTV, NVC 1200 marketing elite market, reflects the distinct characteristics of Marketing 2.0 era . 

Interactive Marketing 3.0 times forward 

Now, with the advent of the continuous development of marketing thinking and intelligent, networked era, LED lighting sales began to enter the era of marketing 3.0 "customized products, user-friendly design, interactive communication and personalized to meet" as the basis. 

In Marketing 3.0 era, the seventies, after eighty became the main consumer, this generation grew up in the rapidly growing due to the Chinese economy, on the vicissitudes of a profound experience, thus showing a strong respect for individuality, against qualities authority. Therefore, consumers of this period will not be because the product is brand to buy, but to really feel the impact of brand power and interests will be tempted. 

Meanwhile, due to the constant application of intelligent, networked arrival, the Internet, and other tools of micro-channel, businesses and consumers closer together, but also more personal service, or even just to get attention interactive experience to get recognized trend. 

In this day and age, online transactions, offline experience O2O model has become popular, such as customized designs according to the Union of + show + interactive experiential new style of communication outlets, Marketing 3.0 has obvious characteristics of the times. In addition, the marketing also has 3.0 times greater social significance, its essence is centered on the values ​​of humanism marketing, it is more emphasis on a social responsibility, to make society better and more harmonious. 

Marketing Marketing 1.0 times from 3.0 times to the importance of the consumer is rising, the extent of their needs are met is also expanding, the level of corporate marketing requirements are also rising. However, these three era and there is no obvious time limits, all three marketing trends in the led strip light industry is presented in parallel and, therefore, should be based on business realities, director of marketing, and open-minded, forward-looking, in a complex market environment to allow enterprises to occupy in their place.

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